CPOA Network Newsletter Article- Supervisors Not Responsible for Retaliation Under FEHA

SUPERVISORS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR RETALIATION UNDER FEHA May, 2008 By:  Martin J. Mayer CPOA Network Newsletter A significant “victory” for California employers, and their supervisors, has come about as the result of a recent Supreme Court decision.  Supervisors can now relax, to some extent, and stop worrying about whether they will face litigation, and possible personal liability, when an adverse […]

Vol. 23 No. 16- AG Guidelines Regarding Medical Marijuana

AG GUIDELINES REGARDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA AUGUST 27, 2008 The California Attorney General has just released guidelines regarding California’s medical marijuana law, under the authority of Health & Safety Code section 11362.81(d).  After the passage of Proposition 215, the Legislature passed SB 420, which created the Medical Marijuana Program Act (MMP), which was codified in the […]

Vol. 23 No. 24- Court Rules State Law Limits Peace Officers From Entering A Home To Seize Firearms After Taking “5150” Into Protective Custody, Outside Of The Home

COURT RULES STATE LAW LIMITS PEACE OFFICERS FROM ENTERING A HOME TO SEIZE FIREARMS AFTER TAKING “5150” INTO PROTECTIVE CUSTODY, OUTSIDE OF THE HOME December 17, 2008 California state law limits the authority of peace officers to enter the home of a mentally ill person, who was taken into custody for psychiatric evaluation while outside […]

Vol. 23 No. 23- U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Garden Grove Case

U.S. SUPREME COURT REJECTS GARDEN GROVE CASE December 04, 2008 On December 1, 2008, the United States Supreme Court refused to review the case ofGarden Grove v. Superior Court (Kha).  This case, as many of you will recall, involved the seizure of marijuana from Felix Kha, following a traffic stop.  He subsequently produced a doctor’s recommendation […]

Vol 23. No. 22- Citizen Carrying Firearm In Plain View

CITIZEN CARRYING FIREARM IN PLAIN VIEW December 02, 2008 It has recently come to our attention from a variety of points around the State that officers are with increasing frequency encountering individuals carrying holstered pistols in plain view on a gun belt, but with ammunition close at hand either in bandolier fashion or a loaded […]

Vol. 23 No. 21- Hr 218 Trumps Local Laws

HR 218 TRUMPS LOCAL LAWS December 1, 2008 Recently, an article appeared in the Rapid City (South Dakota) Journal, stating that law enforcement officers could not rely upon the passage of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, otherwise known as HR 218.  That law basically exempted currently employed “qualified law enforcement officers” (and certain retired officers) from state and […]

Vol. 23 No. 20-California Supreme Court Defines “Primary Caregiver” Under Medical Marijuana Law

CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT DEFINES “PRIMARY CAREGIVER” UNDER MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW November 25, 2008 On November 24, 2008, the California Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, defined the term “primary caregiver” as used in the Compassionate Use Act (CUA) of 1996.  California’s Health & Safety Code sec. 11362.5, was adopted following the passage of Proposition 215, and provides a limited defense […]

Vol. 23 No. 19- New Laws Governing Sale Of Nonferrous Metal

NEW LAWS GOVERNING SALE OF NONFERROUS METAL November 7, 2008 As the price for certain metals has risen to all-time highs, California cities and counties have been plagued with the theft of nonferrous metals such as copper and aluminum, which is then sold for substantial sums on the junk and recycling market.  Buildings under construction […]