Vol. 29 No. 3 – OC Ordinance Restricting Sex Offenders From Entering Parks Preempted by State law

ORDINANCES RESTRICTING SEX OFFENDERS FROM ENTERING PARKS ARE PREEMPTED BY STATE LAW On January 10, 2014, the 4th District Court of Appeal, Division Three, ruledunanimously, in an unpublished opinion, People v. Godinez, that California’s “statutory scheme imposing restrictions on a sex offender’s daily life fully occupies the field and therefore preempts [Orange] county’s efforts to […]

CPCA Magazine Article – Courts Listen to CPCA

COURTS LISTEN TO CPCA By: Martin J. Mayer, General Counsel California Police Chiefs’ Association The California Police Chiefs’ Association (CPCA) is well known for its legislative advocacy and the fact that its opinions are considered and respected in Sacramento. What might not be as well known is the extent of CPCA’s legal advocacy through the […]

Vol. 28 No. 28 – Negligent Supervisions, Chief Executives, and Personal Liability

NEGLIGENT SUPERVISION, CHIEF EXECUTIVES, AND PERSONAL LIABILITY On November 20, 2013 it was reported that Los Angeles County settled a negligent supervision lawsuit, brought by a former county jail inmate, in the amount of $722,000.  The inmate, Dion Starr, alleged that Sheriff Leroy Baca showed “deliberate indifference” to dangerous conditions in the county jail, resulting […]

Vol. 28 No. 27 – Police “Whistleblowers” and the First Amendment

The following article is in the current edition of the International Association of Chiefs’ of Police (IACP) magazine and addresses the issue of “whistle blowing” by law enforcement officers and when, and what, protections apply under the First Amendment. The case arose out of an incident with the Burbank Police Department and resulted in an […]

Vol. 29 No.8 – CalPERS Sends “Scary” Letter to Retired Annuitants

CalPERS Sends “Scary” Letter to Retired Annuitants On March 17, 2014, an article appeared in the Los Angeles Daily Journal about Circular Letter No. 200-002-14, dated January 14, 2014, sent by CalPERS to 5,800 retired state employees who collect a pension and work for the state.  According to the article, the 5,800 annuitants earn approximately […]


COMMUNICATIONS ON PRIVATE CELL PHONES NOT SUBJECT TO CPRA DISCLOSURE On March 27, 2014, the California Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District, overturned a summary judgment ruling in the case of City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith), which had granted declaratory relief to Smith.  The Court also ordered summary judgment to be granted to […]

Vol. 29 No. 16 California Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Red Light Cameras

CALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT REJECTS CHALLENGE TO RED LIGHT CAMERAS  In the case of People v. Carmen Goldsmith, (Case Number  S201443 (June 5, 2014)), the California Supreme Court unanimously upheld use of “red light cameras” and rejected a motorist’s demand for testimony from the camera’s manufacturer. History Pursuant to Vehicle Code section 21455.5, local governmental agencies are […]