Vol. 24 No. 23- Did taser shoot itself in the foot – whoops, in the chest?

DID TASER SHOOT ITSELF IN THE FOOT – WHOOPS, IN THE CHEST? October 26, 2009 On October 12, 2009, Taser International issued Training Bulletin 15.0 in which it stated that Taser has “lowered the recommended point of aim from center of mass to lower center of mass for front shots….”  The Bulletin explained that although […]

Vol. 25 No. 2- The Dishonest Officer – Still Being Debated

THE DISHONEST OFFICER – STILL BEING DEBATED Janurary 26, 2010 The following is a news article about the reinstatement of a Seattle officer who had been fired for lying.  The basis of the Civil Service Commission’s decision was, apparently, that the discipline of termination for lying was too severe; that no one else had been […]

Vol. 25 No. 3- Ninth Circuit Approves County Jail Strip Search Policy

Ninth Circuit Approves County Jail Strip Search Policy February 12, 2010 The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal just issued an en banc opinion in the case of Bull v. City and County of San Francisco, et al., Case No. 05-17080.  This case involved a class action challenge to a policy of strip searching all arrestees […]

Vol. 25 No. 11- Employee E-Mails, Cell Phones & Text Messages – Search Reasonable

3777 North Harbor Boulevard Fullerton, CA 92835 Telephone: (714) 446 1400 Fax: (714) 446 1448 ** e-mail: receptionist@jones-mayer.com Visit our Web Site: WWW.JONES-MAYER.COM Employee E-Mails, Cell Phones & Text Messages – Search Reasonable June 18, 2010 The United States Supreme Court acted on June 17, 2010, to overturn the 2008 decision of the Ninth Circuit, […]

Vol. 25 No. 9- Courts Uphold Closure Of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

COURTS UPHOLD CLOSURE OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES May 17, 2010 In three separate matters, judges in both state and federal courts have recently upheld the rights of cities to prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries, on several legal theories. The most novel approach taken so far was the claim that a person with a disability had the […]

Vol. 25 No. 8- No Magic Words For “Miranda” Warnings

NO MAGIC WORDS FOR “MIRANDA” WARNINGS April 20, 2010 The United States Supreme Court recently ruled that, although it is necessary to ensure that a suspect is told of his/her right to consult with an attorney before questioning begins, there is no “precise formulation necessary to meet Miranda’s requirements.” In the case of Florida v. […]