October 28, 1999
To: All Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, City Attorneys and County Counsels
From: Martin J. Mayer
We have just finalized including on our website our most recent Client Alerts and Case Updates.
We have included all of the 1999 Client Alerts and the 1999 Case Updates and, as new issues are released, we will update the website immediately.
If you don’t find what you are looking for listed on the website please call. Issues prior to 1999 are still available and we would be happy to mail them to you.
If you haven’t visited our website then please do. It contains, in addition to the Client Alerts and Case Updates, information on what we do and who we are as well as easy ways to get in touch with us.
Your input is always welcome. If you have any questions, comments or requests for information please feel free to contact us either by telephone or e-mail.
We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your input.