It is with the deepest of sadness and grief that the Law Offices of Jones & Mayer informs you of the unexpected passing of Martin J. Mayer; simply known as “Marty” to thousands of you throughout the state and to those of us in the Jones & Mayer family.

Marty was found unresponsive at his home on Sunday evening and transported to Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach, where he passed away Monday morning, January 30, 2017 surrounded by his family.

Marty’s family has asked for your respect of their privacy during this initial period of mourning.  There will be a celebration of Marty’s life in about 30 days.  We will of course keep you informed once we have information regarding the arrangements.

In the interim, cards or other expressions of condolence may be sent to Jones & Mayer at 3777 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92835.  We will ensure that your communiqués are passed on to the family.

There is also an announcement similar to this one on our firm website at www.Jones-Mayer.com, with a link to provide any expressions of condolence, which will be provided to Marty’s wife and family.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, Marty came to California and was admitted to the Bar in 1977 after a number of years in law practice in New York.  His transition to us from New York was occasioned by his participation in a federal grant to, as Marty put it, “solve crime in Compton”.

Having done so (he would have said with a wry twinkle in his eye), he proceeded to virtually invent the legal practice field of serving police chiefs and sheriffs throughout the state, both individually and for many years as General Counsel to CPOA, CPCA and CSSA.

In addition to publishing hundreds of Client Alerts, and teaching thousands of hours of classes for law enforcement from the executive level to rank and file, Marty published numerous articles in professional journals; two books on employee rights and personnel investigations; and, was counsel of record either for a party or as amicus curiae in over forty published state and federal court decisions.

He has been honored repeatedly for his service in this field, and we are confident he will continue to be honored.  Our firm is committed to sustaining and growing the tradition of service to California law enforcement that has now been entrusted to us by Marty.  What he has meant to all of you and your agencies will live on seamlessly as his legacy, which Marty intended it to be.

While our loss, and the loss many of you are experiencing, is profound and painful, we are comforted by our individual and collective memory of his leadership, his mentorship, his wisdom, and his compassion as a leader in law enforcement and in the legal profession.  But most especially, he is remembered as our dear friend who was always there with a helping hand, and who never abandoned a comrade who had stumbled or fallen.

Psalm 88 tells us “…my eyes are dim with grief. I call to you, Lord, every day; I spread out my hands to you.”

Rest in Peace, Dear Friend.

If you have need of further information or if we can be of assistance, please contact Jim Touchstone at 714-446-1400 (jrt@jones-mayer.com), as well as Paul Coble (prc@jones-mayer) or Greg Palmer (gpp@jones-mayer.com).

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the Orange County Chapter of ALS at weboc.alsa.org.

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memories, and condolences of Marty