Vol. 14 No. 12- Current Status of Megan’s Law

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM October 18, 1999 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer CURRENT STATUS OF MEGAN’S LAW Attached please find an article from the October, 1999 edition of the California Lawyer, the official publication of the California State Bar Association. The article addresses the implementation of Megan’s Law, primarily in the […]

Vol. 14 No. 11- Grand Jury Charges Chief – Chief Charges Back

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM August 26, 1999 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer GRAND JURY CHARGES CHIEF – CHIEF CHARGES BACK The Inyo County Grand Jury, pursuant to Government Code §3060, issued an accusatory pleading against Bishop Police Chief Bruce Dishion and Sergeant Larry Cox, charging each with various allegations of misfeasance […]