Vol. 17 No. 7 City Of Los Angeles V. Superior Court (Brandon)

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM August 27, 2002 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer   CITY OF LOS ANGELES V. SUPERIOR COURT (BRANDON) The California Supreme Court, yesterday, overturned two lower courts whichordered the disclosure of a citizen’s complaint against an officer from 10 years ago. This firm had the honor of submitting […]

Vol. 17 No. 6- Medical Marijuana Arrests

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM July 22, 2002 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer   MEDICAL MARIJUANA ARRESTS Last Thursday, July 18,2002, the California Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of People v. Mower, 2002 DJDAR 8025, unanimously holding that possession of marijuana for medical use is not punishable under California […]

Vol. 17 No. 3- CPCA Voice Heard Bycalifornia Supreme Court

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM April 29, 2002 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer CPCA VOICE HEARD BYCALIFORNIA SUPREME COURT We are most pleased to inform you that, once again, the opinion of the California Police Chiefs’ Association (CPCA) played a role in decisions by the California Supreme Court. Earlier this week, the […]

Vol. 17 No. 2- Confidentiality Of Background Information

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM April 2, 2002 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer   CONFIDENTIALITY OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION The California Supreme Court, on Friday, March 29, 2002, issued its opinion in the case ofCounty of Riverside v. Superior Court (Madrigal), 2002 DJDAR 3387, holding that a probationary peace officer may see his/her […]

Vol. 17 No. 1 Brady v. Maryland

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM March 25, 2002 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer Brady v. Maryland  Approximately two weeks ago, we sent an e-mail to our clients in response to a question presented to us: is negative information contained in a background investigation, “Brady” material? We responded that it could be and, […]

Vol. 18 No. 2 Citizens Arrest Sample Policy

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM January 31, 2003 To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer CITIZENS ARREST SAMPLE POLICY In our previous Client Alert Memo dated January 3, 2003 we explained the change in law regarding California Penal Code Sections 837 and 142. Subsequent to that update, there has been some confusion as to […]

Vol. 18 No. 14- Medical Evaluations Of Employees Returning From Military Duty

To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer MEDICAL EVALUATIONS OF EMPLOYEES RETURNING FROM MILITARY DUTY July 25, 2003 Recently a question was raised regarding the right, and/or obligation, of a law enforcement agency to evaluate the physical and psychological status of peace officers returning from military duty – especially those returning from […]

Vol. 18 No. 15- Latest “Miranda” Decision – People V. Neal

To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer LATEST “MIRANDA” DECISION – PEOPLE v. NEAL July 16, 2003 The California Supreme Court issued a scathing decision on Monday, July 15, 2003, in the case of People v. Neal regarding the questioning of custodial suspects “outside Miranda.” That term refers to the continuation of […]