City council meeting agendas must be posted prominently on a city’s internet homepage and must be searchable by commonly used internet search applications


In 2016, the Legislature adopted Assembly Bill 2257 (“AB 2257”) which amended Government Code Section 54954.2 by adding new requirements for posting city council agendas. Effective January 1, 2019, Gov. Code Section 54954.2(a)(2) requires that meeting agendas for all “legislative bodies” be posted on a city’s internet homepage, be retrievable, downloadable, indexable, electronically searchable, and available to the public free of charge. “Legislative bodies” include city councils, planning commissions, and other subordinate bodies. Cities that employ an “integrated agenda management platform” are not required to comply with this requirement. An integrated agenda management platform can be accessed by a direct link on the city’s internet homepage and may include prior agendas, but must place the current agenda at the top of the platform and all agendas in the platform must be retrievable, downloadable, indexable, electronically searchable, and available to the public free of charge.

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