Joint power agencies must file joint powers agreement with LAFCO by July 1, 2017

Senate Bill 1266 (“SB 1266”) provides that joint power agencies that, (1) have a city as a member and, (2) that were formed to provide municipal services, must file a copy of the joint powers agreement[1] with the local agency formation commission (“LAFCO”) by July 1, 2017.[2]  Such joint power agencies that are formed after January 1, 2017 will be required to file the joint powers agreement with LAFCO within 30 days of the effective date of the agreement. Amendments to joint power agreements must also be filed with LAFCO within 30 days of their effective date. Joint power agencies that do not file will be prohibited from issuing any bonds or incurring any indebtedness until the agreement and/or amendments are properly filed.

        Should you have any questions or require further clarification of the above, please contact Keith F. Collins at our office at (714) 446-1400, or by email


[1] Amendments to joint power agreements must also be filed with LAFCO.

[2] Government Code Sections 6503.6 & 6503.8. SB 1266 does not clarify what constitutes “municipal services,” but cities should interpret this term broadly to include most services cities commonly provide.