Vol. 28 No. 5 – The Enforcement of Federal Laws by Local Law Enforcement

THE ENFORCEMENT OF FEDERAL LAWS BY LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT The question currently under discussion in many jurisdictions, throughout the country, focuses on whether states and local governments can be compelled to enforce federal laws? The answer would generally appear to be “no,” but the more appropriate answer might be, “it depends.” The Tenth Amendment to […]

Termination Upheld for Officer’s Racist Comment on Social Media

Senior Associate Paul Coble recently prevailed on behalf of a Bay Area police department in the termination of a police officer for placing a racist comment on his social media site. The officer had received an inquiry from a former colleague about whether he was still with the Department and how he was doing. The […]

Termination Upheld for Officer Making “Straw Purchase” of a Restricted Firearm

Senior Associate Paul Coble successfully represented a Northern California police department in the termination of an officer for having joined with a gun shop employee in what is known as a “straw purchase” of a firearm restricted for sale only to law enforcement. The gun shop employee had asked the officer to complete the necessary […]

Vol. 28 No. 4 – Peace Officers Who Resign Or Are Terminated Do Not Qualify As “Honorably Retired” Peace Officers For Purposes Of Obtaining A Concealed Weapons Permit.

Peace Officers Who Resign Or Are Terminated Do Not Qualify As “Honorably Retired” Peace Officers For Purposes Of Obtaining A Concealed Weapons Permit. On February 28, 2013 the Third Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal, in Gore v. Yolo County District Attorney’s Office, held that “honorably retired” peace officers only refers to those […]