Vol. 25 No. 15- Qualified Patients V. Anaheim Remanded For Further Hearings

QUALIFIED PATIENTS v. ANAHEIM REMANDED FOR FURTHER HEARINGS August 19, 2010 On August 18, 2010, California’s Fourth District Court of Appeal finally acted in the case ofQualified Patients Association v. City of Anaheim, by remanding it back to the Superior Court to allow the plaintiffs to pursue their motion for declaratory relief. The Court ruled […]

Vol. 25 No. 24 Camreta V. Greene Goes To The Supreme Court

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM     To:                 All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From:             Martin J. Mayer, Esq.   CAMRETA V. GREENE GOES TO THE SUPREME COURT Earlier this year, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled, in the Oregon case ofCamreta v. Greene, that a police officer could not interview a student at school regarding […]

Vol. 25 No. 25- Correction Regarding Camreta V. Greene Memo

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer, Esq. CORRECTION REGARDING CAMRETA V. GREENE MEMO In the Client Alert Memo we just issued (Vol. 25, No. 24) we stated that when the U.S. Supreme Court accepted the case of Camreta v. Greene, it vacated the ruling of the Ninth Circuit […]

Vol. 25 No. 26- Seizing Vehicles At Dui Checkpoints

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM To: All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From: Martin J. Mayer, Esq. SEIZING VEHICLES AT DUI CHECKPOINTS The question of whether law enforcement officers can seize vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers appears to continue to perplex law enforcement and others. The most recent issue has been raised by the California Office of Traffic […]

Vol. 26 No. 8- Ninth Circuit Uphold’s Country’s Right To Ban Gun Shows On County Property

CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM To:                 All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From:             Martin J. Mayer, Esq. NINTH CIRCUIT UPHOLDS COUNTY’S RIGHT TO BAN GUN SHOWS ON COUNTY PROPERTY May 03, 2011 On May 3, 2011, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals upheld Alameda County’s right to prohibit gun shows from being held on the county fairgrounds.  […]


CLIENT ALERT MEMORANDUM To:                 All Police Chiefs and Sheriffs From:             Martin J. Mayer, Esq. ALL “LOCKUPS” MAY BE SUBJECT TO “RLUIPA.” March 24, 2011 On March 15, 2011, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA) applied to persons temporarily detained at the […]

Jones & Mayer Attorneys win for South Pasadena!

Aztec Engineering California, Inc. v. City of South Pasadena, Second District Court of Appeal Case No. B221034, 2010 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 6360 Jones & Mayer successfully defended the City of South Pasadena in an action which attempted to enforce an impermissible oral modification to a construction contract. Aztec Engineering California, Inc., sued the City […]

Vol. 26 No. 5- U.S. Attorney Warns Oakland About Allowing Large Scale Cultivation Of Marijuana

U.S. ATTORNEY WARNS OAKLAND ABOUT ALLOWING LARGE SCALE CULTIVATION OF MARIJUANA February 4, 2011 Recently, the Oakland City Council passed Ordinance No. 13033 permitting “industrial cannabis cultivation and manufacturing facilities.”  This raised questions on the part of many as to the legality of not only allowing, but issuing city permits for, such large scale cultivation […]